Working with Entities using Cosmonaut

Adding an entity in the CosmosStore

var newUser = new User
    Name = "Nick"
var oneAdded = await cosmoStore.AddAsync(newUser);

var multipleAdded = await cosmoStore.AddRangeAsync(manyManyUsers);

Using the Range operation allows you to also provide a Func that creates a RequestOptions for every individual execution that takes place in the operation

Updating and Upserting entities

When it comes to updating you have two options.

Update example

var response = await cosmoStore.UpdateAsync(entity);

Upsert example

var response = await cosmoStore.UpsertAsync(entity);

The main difference is of course in the functionality. Update will only update if the item you are updating exists in the database with this id. Upsert on the other hand will either add the item if there is no item with this id or update it if an item with this id exists.

There are also Range variation of both of these methods.

Using one of the Range operations allows you to also provide a Func that creates a RequestOptions for every individual execution that takes place in the operation. This might be something the Etag in order to ensure that you are updatng the latest version of the document.

Example of an UpdateRangeAsync execution that ensures that the latest version of the document is being updated:

var updated = await booksStore.UpdateRangeAsync(objectsToUpdate, x => new RequestOptions { AccessCondition = new AccessCondition
    Type = AccessConditionType.IfMatch,
    Condition = x.Etag

Removing entities

There are multiple ways to remove an entity in Cosmonaut.

The simplest one is to use any of the overloads of the RemoveByIdAsync methods.

var removedWithId = await cosmoStore.RemoveByIdAsync("documentId");
var removedWithIdAndPartitionKey = await cosmoStore.RemoveByIdAsync("documentId", "partitionKeyValue");

There is also the RemoveAsync method which uses an entity object to do the removal. However this object needs to have the id property populated and if it’s a partitioned, it should also have the partition key value populated.

var removedEntity = await cosmosStore.RemoveAsync(entity);

Last but not least you can use the RemoveAsync method that has a predicate in it’s signature. This will match all the documents that satistfy the predicate and remove them. You have to keep in mind that this method is doing a cross partition query behind the scenes before it does a direct delete per document. It’s not very efficient and it should be used only in rare cases.

var deleted = await cosmoStore.RemoveAsync(x => x.Name == "Nick");

You can specify the FeedOptions for the query that takes place, potentially providing a partition key value to limit the scope of the request.

You to also provide a Func that creates a RequestOptions for every individual execution that takes place in the operation.